Tag Archives: first class

Bribing in Beirut

bribing bribery beirut lebanon Forgiving Beirutbribing bribery beirut lebanon Forgiving Beirutbribery bribe Lebanon Forgiving Beirut

I was last to check-in on that plane, and as I placed my baggage on the scale and handed my passport to the airline agent, he hinted the possibility of upgrading me to First Class in return for a “bribe”. His proposal enraged me and blood started rushing to my head as I began a tirade of moral arguments. I explained that his illicit intentions are considered a crime punishable by the Lebanese law and tried to show him the gravity of his acts and their implications on work ethics. I carried on by arguing that such proposals drowns the country into more corruption and offends decent citizens like myself. These practices no matter how common they may be in this country are still considered a violation of integrity and a destroyer of hope for building a dignified society for future generations.

Upon receiving my boarding pass I ended the conversation by storming away from the desk and rushing to catch my flight.

I went thru passport control while reflecting on what happened only to find my self getting more vexed by this experience.

Luckily, the First Class’ cabin crew served me a fine Vintage Champagne while laying on that ultra comfortable bed to clam my nerves down!

Beirut, you and me are alike. We both deserve not to be forgiven

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